Climate-friendly offer design in Germany tourism
What is the goal of the project?
Climate protection in a destination functions when all tourism stakeholders along the travel chain work together and collaboratively implement mitigation measures. The project starts at this point.
In collaboration with TourCert, we would like to promote the competencies of German tourism stakeholders in order to define climate protection goals at destination and company level, to derive and implement action strategies, and to develop climate-friendly offers.
What methods are used?
Module 1: Transfer of the concept of “science-based targets” (SBT) to tourism
- Accompaniment by Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).
- Challenges: Applicability for SMEs? Applicability for DMOs / destinations? Special features in the tourism context?
Module 2: Impulses for the development of “climate-friendly offers” (first action strategy)
- Industry survey: Current status and requirements for setting climate protection targets (currently ongoing).
- Workshop: Review of practicality with industry stakeholders